Endowment for honoring parents

International Islamic Charity Organization
Endowment for honoring parents - International Islamic Charity Organization

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The "Following Your Parents" endowment aims to find a permanent resource to contribute to supporting various projects whose reward goes to the parents out of kindness to them and to the donor. It is one of the comprehensive endowments for the poor and others and in all aspects of goodness and righteousness, as the endowment gives the flexibility of diversity in facing human needs according to priorities. , which makes continuous and varied reward and reward for the donor and the parents, in all good deeds.

Al Dallah Endowment Share: 300 KD

Al-Mabibit Endowment Fund share: 750 KD

Al-Darwaza Endowment Share: 1000 KD

Al Dana Endowment Share: 5,000 KD
