Aman - Urgent assistance for 200 orphans without parents in Gaza

International Islamic Charity Organization
Aman - Urgent assistance for 200 orphans without parents in Gaza - International Islamic Charity Organization
0 KD
54595 KD
80879 KD

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Our goal is to provide urgent assistance to 200 orphans without parents in Gaza

In light of the recent events in Gaza, we are witnessing the indescribable suffering experienced by war orphans who have lost breadwinners and shelter. They need our support and help and work to compensate for what they have lost.

Responsibility: Today, you can be part of the solution. Your donation to war orphans in Gaza reflects your sense of responsibility towards your humanity and your solidarity with people who have lost so much.

Achieving Hope: With your donation, you contribute to rebuilding hope in the lives of these children. Your support can be the spark that lights their way to a better future.

Zakat is permissible for the project

Palestine (Gaza)